The key to a successful website is its design and responsiveness, especially if it is an E-Commerce website. Unlike lifestyle blogs or infotainment sites, eCommerce sites are quite tricky to design. Apart from working on the quality of your products, you also need to make it extraordinarily user friendly.

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Responsive modal or popup are common features in a web application. They are used to show extra information or a form on the same page as popup above existing content upon clicking to a link or button. This article will help you to create a responsive modal or popup with CSS only.

I have also explained this pure CSS concept along with. So that you can understand how does this thing work. It will help you to change the CSS rule to organize responsive modal in your own way.

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It’s quite common to use background image and place text above it but it’s also possible to use image in foreground and place text above foreground image overlay. You can also horizontal center or vertical center the text as explained in the article.

So our page contains a piece of HTML as follow:

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