Many of you are unaware of mistakes that are made while creating a post in WordPress or any other CMS. No matter how awesome your content is, a single mistake can ruin all your SEO efforts. In this article, we are explaining the top 5 SEO mistakes people make when they create a post. Additionally, we’re also mentioning what should you do to avoid them.

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Consistently improving a website’s performance and Search Engines Optimization bring more traffic to the website. Google also offers a few tools to improve website performance. Here we are mentioning 5 such tools from Google to optimize a website for speed, performance, and SEO.

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Yii 2.0 framework has a major improvement over version 1.1. Creating SEO friendly URL in Yii 2.0 framework has been a lot easier. All is just turning pretty url ‘on’ to your Yii application and writing very few rewrite rules in htaccess file, enough to hide index.php from your URL and to make them SEO friendly.

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