The function below will assist you to smoothly add pagination in your WordPress theme using Twitter Bootstrap 3 pagination style. This function is easy to read and to customize as well as contains features like:

  • Bootstrap Styling
  • First and Last Button
  • Previous and Next Button
  • Current page & total number of pages
  • First/Last text invisible on small devices
  • Previous/Next text invisible on small devices
  • Works with custom post types by passing parameters to function

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If you already have database tables and you just want to apply foreign keys for record on those table then you can apply foreign key in phpMyAdmin using database query also.

I have already written a tutorial ‘Setting up foreign key in phpMyAdmin‘ with example images and I prefer to write database query to set up foreign key in existing database tables as queries allow me to accomplish all required steps in once go.

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There is no rank function in MySQL actually, whenever you need to query rank from table based on some functionality/criteria in MYSQL. But there are simple queries that can be used to perform the same.
Read the article to create query as well as to know about equivalent query for RANK and DENSE_RANK in MySQL.

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Get the last inserted ID of a MySQL table is a simple query to obtain the primary key of the record you just inserted to the table. Here I have explained the query using PDO as well as Mysqli.

Also, I have abbreviated few points while using PDO or if you are trying to get the last inserted ID of a MySQL table in PHP using other methods.

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With help of the following simple query you can find sum of multiple columns values in a row.

In the `marks` table below we have roll number and marks of each student in physics, chemistry and maths. Now we wish to find sum of marks obtained by each student.

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