I’m submitting a quite handy function to apply WordPress Pagination in Bootstrap 4 Style. This function contains First/Last, Previous/Next, Current and total number of pages. You can use the code for pagination in your Bootstrap 4 powered WordPress theme. It works with Custom Post Types and hides First/Last, Previous/Next texts on small devices (viewport width < 768 px)

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While working with MySQL database there might be situation when you wish to update certain column only if the value being updated is greater than existing value or current value stored in that column. MySQL GREATEST and LEAST functions are quite handy in such situations. Let’s see how can we use first function to update a column if value is greater than current value.

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Sometimes we create MySQL tables which don’t contain auto increment primary key column instead they may have unique key or combination of unique indexes. In such tables we wish to insert a new row if primary/unique key or keys combination doesn’t exists and update record if exists.

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Someday before I faced a question of live text search using jQuery means how to search a text with in a DOM element using jQuery. Live search using jquery script can be integrated easily on any page where you are listing products, user profiles, news, blog posts and any ordered or unordered lists etc.

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