You often need to remove or hide menu items from WordPress admin panel or dashboard. This is a common requirement if you develop WordPress websites for clients or manage multi-user blog.
Tag » Jetpack
Moving the Sharing and Like buttons in Jetpack
In our WordPress blogs, the Sharing and Like buttons in Jetpack get printed at the end of the the_content() Loop function, which causes them to display at the end of our post’s text by default. But that may not be where we want them in our site’s design.
Add a default image to Jetpack if no image present in a post
Here is a code snippet to add a default image to Jetpack if no image present in our post and we wish that image to be used by Jetpack to publicize our post.
Jetpack crawls the post and looks for images that can be used when sharing that post on Facebook, on Twitter. It starts by looking for a featured image.
Jetpack Publicize Not Working – Some Solutions
Jetpack by is a super cool plugin that offers many services for your self-hosted WordPress site. Here we are presenting some general solutions for jetpack publicize not working problem or failure in automatic posting to popular social networks.