jQuery Datatable is a powerful jQuery plug-in used to display the data in listing at front-end. These datatables handle our data to show in a user friendly manner and provide lot of features to use like sorting, searching, paging, and export to different types of file and print. jQuery datatable provides all these features in very user-friendly and easier to use manner. But while using such DataTable, first we need to check if that jQuery DataTable instance exists or not.

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Nowadays English to Hindi translation is common practice. Many tools are available online which makes translations easy. At many of social medias also, people use to write in hi-English which is mostly in practice to India. Here I am describing steps to do English to Hindi translation in our web application using Google Language Translation API.

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I’m submitting a quite handy function to apply WordPress Pagination in Bootstrap 4 Style. This function contains First/Last, Previous/Next, Current and total number of pages. You can use the code for pagination in your Bootstrap 4 powered WordPress theme. It works with Custom Post Types and hides First/Last, Previous/Next texts on small devices (viewport width < 768 px)

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