Responsive modal or popup are common features in a web application. They are used to show extra information or a form on the same page as popup above existing content upon clicking to a link or button. This article will help you to create a responsive modal or popup with CSS only.

I have also explained this pure CSS concept along with. So that you can understand how does this thing work. It will help you to change the CSS rule to organize responsive modal in your own way.

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It’s quite common to use background image and place text above it but it’s also possible to use image in foreground and place text above foreground image overlay. You can also horizontal center or vertical center the text as explained in the article.

So our page contains a piece of HTML as follow:

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In jQuery we sometimes need to find class or Id of element that fires an event in a web page. This simple code below will do the job for getting Class or Id of element that fired an event in jQuery.

First of all we need jQuery so you need to add self hosted jQuery or one from available CDNs. I’m getting it from Google here.

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Twitter Bootstrap has 12 columns grid layout by default which allows you to create responsive layout for your website but you can’t create 5 equal columns without using offset in this setup as sum of those column never meet with 12. But in this tutorial we have created some CSS rules to make five equal columns Bootstrap grid layout. Furthermore you can also have 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5 sized columns combined with Bootstrap 12 columns grid layout after reading this post.

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Twitter Bootstrap is being used popularly due to its powerful responsive front-end capabilities. One among its components ‘Panel’ is used for accordion and we can expand or collapse its body content by clicking on link inside panel heading. But I wanted to expand collapse panel with toggle icon in Bootstrap which are placed on right side inside panel heading as shown in the image below and the icons get changed according to visibility of content in panel.

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Due to difference between CSS media queries based on max-width and jQuery’s ‘$(window).width()’ measurement (caused by the inconsistent ways in which browser media queries handle scrollbars), there is always a mismatch between ‘jQuery $(window).width()’ and CSS3 Media Queries. Which in turn causes some ugly or unexpected behaviour by your responsive website.

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Twitter Bootstrap is powerful mobile first front-end framework that provides all the necessary components to develop responsive websites using its common elements. One of the most popular elements on any website is the top navigation bar and the search widget. On a recent project, I had to implement Bigger & Fixed Search Box with Dropdown in Bootstrap Navbar and making the search bar fixed across different screen size.

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Contact Form 7 uses minimum CSS for styling and validation. Hence lacking of better UI designing. We can overcome this issue by styling Contact Form 7 validation with border which I’m describing here in this article. Here, we will apply some CSS rules for validation customization on Contact Form 7 forms including styling Contact Form 7 validation with border.

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