Setting up plugins and a theme are the next things to do after installing WordPress for your website. Here, I’m explaining 3 different ways to install a WordPress plugin, either it is free or a premium one. You will also learn to install plugins via the WordPress admin as well as manually using FTP.
Tag » Admin
5 Best User Registration, Login, Profile and Membership Plugins
User Registration, login, profile, and membership plugins allow visitors to easily register and edit profiles on WordPress websites. Also, as the owner, you want scalable user registration as well as enrich profiles for the growth of your business.
Your PHP Installation Appears to be Missing the MySQL Extension
We were facing the error “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress”. We’ve fixed it by upgrading WordPress to match it with PHP 7.0 or higher. We didn’t check PHP, MySQL extension installed on the host.
Hide Categories in WordPress Admin Post Editor – Exclude or Remove
WordPress offers hooks to exclude or hide categories from the Post Editor in the admin area. You can remove the category meta box as well. Hiding categories with CSS is also possible. Here I will tell you different ways to hide categories in WordPress Admin Post Editor.
Remove or Hide Menu Items from WordPress Admin Panel or Dashboard
You often need to remove or hide menu items from WordPress admin panel or dashboard. This is a common requirement if you develop WordPress websites for clients or manage multi-user blog.
Add Custom Fields in Custom Post Types & Show in Dashboard
So far we have covered a half of custom post types and ready to set up or add custom fields in these CPTs. These custom fields are used to add the custom content in WordPress post editor page.
Screen Options Not Working in WordPress Dashboard
Screen Options Not Working / Saving in WordPress Dashboard is a very irritating problem. Once you update / save any screen option and it doesn’t work at all. Or does only once and fails on next page reload.
Implementing Google reCaptcha in WordPress AJAX Register
Thanks to all visitors for their love to the article As we got many requests to implement Google reCaptcha in WordPress AJAX Register, I’m here with the wonderful code which will protect spams through Google reCaptcha during registration in your WordPress powered site.
Forgot Password with AJAX in WordPress Login and Register
After getting many requests from visitors to integrate Forgot Password with AJAX in my previous tutorial WordPress AJAX Login and Register without a Plugin I decided to write a post about steps and code to add in that article to include Forgot Password functionality. This article is an improvement over that previous article as well as it will be sure helpful to understand how does the functionality actually work.
Remove or disable plugin shortcode button from visual editor
While working on a client project I needed to disable plugin shortcode button from visual editor in WordPress that were added automatically after some plugin installation. I was trying to hide WP Socializer plugin shortcode button form visual editor. Here I’m explaining how did I do that. The solution is quite simple.