There’re 3 ways to insert record in Codeigniter if it doesn’t exist else update the record if it exists. Here we’re using Active Record as well as Query Binding features in Codeigniter to insert or update a record.
This App isn’t verified – Google OAuth Client Verification
When your web app requests certain sensitive OAuth scopes from Google, you must have passed Google OAuth Client Verification. Failing to do that, results “This App isn’t verified” page when a web client makes Google OAuth consent request.
Add Custom Fields in Custom Post Types & Show in Dashboard
So far we have covered a half of custom post types and ready to set up or add custom fields in these CPTs. These custom fields are used to add the custom content in WordPress post editor page.
Show Summaries or Excerpts to WordPress Pages and Feed
WordPress reading settings don’t actually show summaries or post excerpts of posts on the archive pages. It’s used to specify what you want to show at the feed, either summaries or full text? The difference is that the selection is for feed, not the archive pages.
3 Ways to Change Array Key without Changing the Order in PHP
You can change array key too easily but doing it without changing the order in PHP is quite tricky. Simply assigning the value to a new key and deleting old one doesn’t change the position of the new key at the place of old in the array.
Setup Debug & Release Environments in Android App – The Best Way
We need to setup debug, testing or release environments or variants while creating an Android app. In a web application, we mostly have the option to define environment configuration variables. In Android, you can also setup debug, release or other build types and their parameters. The app will have the appropriate set of parameters depending upon the build variant.
PayPal Fees too High and how Currency Conversion Works
PayPal fees are too high and not everyone knows how the PayPal currency conversion works actually. PayPal’s exchange rates or currency conversion rates are too poor and it’s due to high fees/charges behind.
Connect Android App to Localhost Web Server Over Wi-Fi
Access or connect android app to localhost over Wi-Fi and it will give you a lot flexibility to develop, run and test the app. My scenario was that I had created an android app which had need to access my local web server (XAMPP) for faster testing and the application was running on an emulator as well as device.
Add Custom Taxonomies to Custom Post Types in WordPress
You just need a function to add Custom Taxonomies to Custom Post Types. In previous article we made WordPress default taxonomies called Category & Tag to support our CPTs. Here we are going to create custom taxonomies for them.
Add Default WordPress Categories and Tags to Custom Post Types
You can add default WordPress Categories and Tags taxonomies to Custom Post Types through passing taxonomies parameters to arguments. In previous article we had learnt how to create CPT using code in functions.php. Here I will explain how can you use WordPress default built-in taxonomies like Categories and Tags with those CPT.