10 Best Free Privacy Policy Generator Tools for Websites & Apps Quickly

In this article, I’m telling you about the 10 best Privacy Policy generator websites. These tools offer free as well as paid services to quickly generate a Privacy Policy and other statements for websites and apps.  A Privacy Policy page is mandatory if your website or app collects personally identifiable information from visitors.

Also, I’ve answered related questions like what is a Privacy Policy as well as who needs it and why. You will also come to know other documents you should create with help of these 10 best policy generators for the maximum safeguard of your website and app.

Best Free privacy Policy Generator

What is a Privacy Policy?

A Privacy Policy is a statement or legal document that details how a company or site will collect, store, protect, and use personal data provided by its users and customers. Privacy Policies serve as a declaration to customers and visitors what you’re doing with their data.

What is Personal Data?

Personal data is any type of information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify an individual. The list includes but not limited to:

  • Name
  • Addresses (physical/email)
  • Date of birth
  • IP addresses
  • Contact number
  • Photo
  • Financial information such as debit or credit card details

Privacy and protection laws around the world dictate that if you collect personal information from your clients or visitors, then you need to have a Privacy Policy posted to your application.

Further, these regulations don’t just end at your website/app. Any tool that collects information from your sites like analytics services, online forms, or chat widgets, requires a such policy too.

Who Needs a Privacy Policy and why?

Any site that gathers any data about its users, requires displaying the policy. This includes any website, mobile app, e-commerce store, blog, SaaS application, desktop service, Facebook/Instagram page & app. This list below isn’t a complete list but it shows general scenarios of collecting users’ data.

You require to generate a Privacy Policy page and display if you:

  • Track visitor’s location
  • Use cookies in the website
  • Even have a signup form
  • Send promotional emails
  • Display ads
  • Accept payments
  • Submit your apps to distribution platforms
  • Use third-party tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook login
  • And many more…

Why is it needed?

Generating and placing a Privacy Policy is compulsory for various strong reasons. First, it is required by law in almost every country. So skipping out on a Privacy Policy is just asking for trouble.

Second, many third-parties require you to declare a Privacy Policy before you could use their services. For example, submitting your app to Google Play Store or creating a Facebook page, group, or event for your online business, all require you to submit your Privacy Policy URL to them.

Finally, Privacy Policies provide a safeguard for both you and your visitors. The general public and authorities both expect to see them. You build trust among your site/app visitors by being clear about what your privacy practices are.

10 Free Quick Privacy Policy Generator Tools for Websites and Apps

Below are the 10 best and free Privacy Policy generator tools for your websites as well as apps and Facebook/Instagram pages. These online tools can not only create a quality Privacy Policy but also generate other necessary documents like Cookies Policy and Terms & Conditions. I have discussed them in detail in the next section of this article.

While creating a basic Privacy Policy is free, most of these Privacy Policy generator websites offer premium services for business sites and comprehensive sections like GDPR compliance and CalOPPA. So let us start and know what each tool offers.

1. Termly

Termly might not be the best free choice but worthy to mention in our list of best Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions generators. It’s actually might favorite too. You can have only one agreement at no cost for a domain with the free Basic plan. But it gets a pretty high-quality policy.

There are some significant limitations to the free plan. It doesn’t provide embed code to display the policy directly on your website. You get a link to place on your site that redirects to your policy page hosted on their website. Also, it comes branded with Termly’s logo.

You can take full advantage of Termly’s high-quality policy generation service only after the Pro package signup. This premium plan comes with a monthly/yearly subscription. You can also create all other necessary documents with the premium package.

Termly’s Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions agreements are by far the best out of the free versions mentioned in this article. Termly is definitely worth considering due to its excellent quality of legal statements.

Generate Free Policy

2. PrivacyPolicies

The PrivacyPolicies website allows you to create various statements for websites as well as apps. These include Privacy Policies, Terms & Conditions, EULA, Disclaimers, Cookie Policies, and Return Policies.

It asks the location where you operate the business and further customizes the Privacy Policy accordingly. Hence created policy documents adapt to comply with the major privacy laws relevant to you. 

Additionally, PrivacyPolicies has provided various free templates for Privacy, Terms & Conditions, Cookies as well as GDPR Policies. You can download and edit these templates as per your need and place them on your website, app, or blog.

The free plan not only hosts the page for you but also applies timely revision at no cost. However, you need a premium plan to download the created policy in various formats. So free plan might not suit you if you wish to download and place the policy on your website/app.

The premium version is quite affordable and requires only a one-time payment. It adds additional clauses for various purposes like payment processing, GDPR.

Create Free Policy

3. TermsFeed

TermsFeed creates legal agreements and policies for your website or app according to specific business needs. This generator is extremely easy to use and takes around 5 to 8 minutes.

Additionally, TermsFeed offers to host the generated policy for free or let you download it. It also revises policies regularly and notifies you when major updates are required. So it is complete peace of mind.

Also, the website has absolutely free tools to generate Cookie Consent, CCPA Opt-out, and I Agree on Checkbox. Simply select your preferences and customization options and place the generated code on your website.

You can download a number of free templates to manually edit and use in your website, e-commerce app, and blog as well.

The tool generates policies for a website at no cost. However, it charges a nominal fee of $9 to create the same for an app. Also, there are paid plans for optional premium agreements.

Get Free Policy

4. iubenda

iubenda is much more than just a free Privacy Policy generator. It has a complete set of solutions to make your website, app, or Facebook app compliant with the law, across multiple languages and legislations.

This program is optimized for all customer scenarios including app, e-commerce, startup, SaaS, publisher, blog, personal or enterprise site. Also, iubenda offers you to generate required policies in 10 languages along with English.

The company has received a 4.8-star rating out of five. Also, it has more than 60,000 clients spanned beyond 100 countries. Honda, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boggi are a few to name.

While this tool generates a Privacy Policy free of cost, many features like a Cookie Solution, Internal Management, advanced GDPR compliance are available as paid add-ons only.

These plans start from $29 per year and renew on a monthly/yearly basis. But it is worth paying for the sheer quality of the statements by iubenda. I recommend it only if you have a complex business model and use a large number of personal data.

Luckily, there is an exciting offer for you. Use this link below to get a 10% discount on your first purchase at iubenda.

Generate Free Policy

5. GetTerms.io

GetTerms.io lets you generate simple Terms of Service and Privacy Policy statements for your website. The free tool on their website requires you to fill a couple of fields to obtain policies of a general nature.

Additionally, GetTerms.io offers two paid plans for tailormade policies. They are Starter Pack and Comprehensive Pack costing $25 and $49 each respectively. These packs present an extensive yet easy selection form. You can quickly create your own customized Privacy Policy by simply filling out that form.

Also, you can create the policy in English (USA), English (UK), and Español language using premium plans. For additional translations, the site charges $10 each.

I like the intuitive and no fuss interface of this website. I recommend this tool for smaller websites and businesses with limited requirements.

Create Free Policy

6. WebsitePolicies

WebsitePolicies is a nice tool to generate legal documents for apps, websites, e-commerce stores as well as blogs at no cost. You can create policies for Acceptable Use, Cookie, Disclaimer, Cookie Consent banner, DMCA, Refund, Privacy, and Terms & Conditions.

These free legal policies are fully compliant with various international laws. Furthermore, there is no restriction to download these documents in the free version.

However, WebsitePolicies branding appears in free agreements. To get rid of it, you need to buy the premium package. The paid plan reasonably costs around $20 per policy and it is a one-time payment. Also, their bundle packages let you save a significant amount.

The premium package is suitable for commercial use. It comes with comprehensive clauses and provisions as well as free lifetime automatic updates.

Get Free Policy

7. FreePrivacyPolicy

FreePrivacyPolicy is a powerful and free Privacy Policy generator for your website. You can create a Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Cookies Policy, ELUA, Disclaimer as well as a Return and Refund policy.

This free Privacy Policy generator contains an easy questionnaire that takes only one minute. It also includes several provisions and sections to help you effectively protect customers’ privacy as well as limit your liability.

The list doesn’t end here. You can use its free templates or download the ready policy for your website at any time. FreePrivacyPolicy also offers a free and customizable Cookie Consent banner for your website.

While you can generate the above documents free for a website, a $9 fee applies to create a Privacy Policy and other pages for an app.

Generate Free Policy

8. Shopify – E-commerce Privacy Policy Generator

This one is particularly helpful for e-commerce websites and businesses. Shopify is mainly an e-commerce platform but it offers free legal agreement generator tools for your online store.

So e-commerce stores don’t need to look anywhere else for policy documentation. Shopify’s tools help you to create T&C, Privacy Policy as well as Refund policy.

The tool is pretty simple and requires only your company information and website name. You may choose any other option listed here if you need something with additional clauses.

The link below will open a new tab that would display all the free tools Shopify offers along with policy generators. There you can select the one that you need and process ahead.

Create Free Policy

9. Privacy Policy Online

This is a simple tool to generate a Privacy Policy, a Terms and Conditions statement as well as a Disclaimer. Moreover, this tool is completely free. Either a website or an app, it doesn’t take more than a minute to generate documents for you.

The website was set up by a group of web developers who have developed a number of sites. They required to quickly create a Privacy Policy for those sites. So these developers produced the website.

While Privacy Policy Online is a free and simple to use tool, it doesn’t offer advanced features like Cookies Consent or monitoring. So if you’re looking for a robust tool like one for an e-commerce website/app, consider other options in the list.


10. Firebase App Generator for Privacy Policy and T&C

Finally, here is a Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions generator particularly for mobile apps. After completing its form, you can download both of the agreements for the selected mobile operating system. Currently, this generator supports Android OS, IOS, as well as KaiOS.

Firebase App Generator provides the feature to include links to a number of third-party services. So you can easily include Google Play, analytics as well as advertising service’s policies.

Remember that this tool is specifically for mobile apps and generates only Privacy Policy and T&C. For additional documents or agreements for websites, check other services mentioned in the list.


Other Agreements to Create with a Privacy Policy Generator

There are free and paid tools available to create a Privacy Policy. However, a Privacy Policy alone isn’t enough to protect your online business as well as users. Depending upon the nature of the business, there might be a need for additional agreements to comply with the law and apply maximum safeguard.

In this section, I’m mentioning additional documents you should place on your website or app.

Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions are rules by which one must agree to abide in order to use a service. Some quick examples are, permitted uses of the content available on a website, rules related to the suspension of a user’s account.

Unlike a Privacy Policy, specifying Terms and Conditions is not mandatory by law. However, it is strongly advised to include this to protect the business and escape from potential loss. For example, an e-commerce company can cancel an order due to an incorrect product price basis on its relevant order cancelation clause in T&C.

There are two interchangeably phrases namely, Terms of Use and Terms of Service as well. In general, there is no legal difference between these three. All of these documents outline the standards by which one should use the product, website, etc.

It is just a matter of preference that Terms of Service or Terms of Use may apply specifically to the use of a service or goods. Whereas a Terms and Conditions may just be a general disclaimer excluding liability. There is much overlapping and a Terms & Conditions can incorporate the other two holistically.

Almost every website uses cookies. Cookies are small data files stored on your device by a website or an app while you visit it. When you return to the site again, it reads the files.

Cookies allow the site to remember your device as well as your interactions which is useful for a number of different purposes. Like cookies can help a website to remember your credentials so that you won’t need to reenter it again next time.

A Cookie Consent notice is a banner or popup that contains a short paragraph informing the visitor that the site uses cookies. Depending upon the location of the business, it may also request for users’ consent regarding the use of cookies. It also contains a link to the full Cookies Policy.

Whereas, Cookies Policy describes what type of cookies the site uses, how it uses as well as the method to let the user control cookies placement. Businesses located in the EU require a separate Cookies Policy page. For other businesses, it’s sufficient to address cookies in the Privacy Policy.

Return and Refund Policy

A Return and Refund Policy is the statement where you inform customers about your policies regarding returns and refunds of products you sell. It’s a very important agreement that an e-commerce store needs.

A Return and Refund Policy is required to be able to control your return terms. Additionally, some laws enforce you to accept all returns in a minimum timeframe if you don’t have such a Return & Refund Policy.

Disclaimers for Websites and Apps

Disclaimers are notices posted on websites and apps that address specific points of liability. These sort of liabilities mostly fall outside a Terms and Conditions or a Privacy Policy agreement.

A Disclaimer is a statement to limit your liability that denies something, especially responsibility. Although, many businesses prefer to have a Disclaimer section in Terms and Conditions instead of a dedicated page.

For example, you may see a section titled “Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability” on the T&C page of various e-commerce websites.


A Disclosure is a notice or a statement that lets your users know about your affiliations with third-parties. It is completely different from a Disclaimer.

Disclosure is a compulsory document for blogs to put. Blogs are being rewarded for their content by affiliate programs. So revealing this fact to visitors helps them make informed decisions within your website.

Additionally, the Federal Trade Commission in the US requires websites to disclose their relationship with other brands if they use affiliate links in their content. Similarly, affiliate programs also want you to specifically disclose the relationship else your commission would be disqualified.

The first recommended place to put a Disclosure is, at the beginning of the page that contains affiliation links. Then keep a detailed statement on a dedicated page and add a link to it in the footer of your website. Our Affiliate Disclosure on this site is such an example.

Affiliations in blogs aren’t the only kind of Disclosure. One another form could be like, “Disclosure: I work for this company.”. This is essential to reveal such relevant information to let visitors stay well-informed.

DMCA Policy

DMCA stands for Digital Millennium Copyright Act. It’s a way to protect your intellectual property from unauthorized use and get it removed from infringing sources. DMCA a US copyright law that criminalizes the unlawful use of copyrighted materials.

Although DMCA applies in the US, similar copyright acts exist in the majority of countries. Additionally, there are around 200 countries who have signed to World Intellectual Property Organizations (WIPO) treatment.

As a result, businesses, platforms, and hosting providers in these countries accept DMCA takedown notices. However, there are less than 10 countries as well that have ignored DMCA.

The DMCA applies to a variety of content including graphics, artwork, software, text, music as well as video. So it is advisable to generate and place a DMCA policy on the website or app to protect your intellectual properties.

End-User License Agreement (EULA)

An End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a contract between a person who buys, installs, or downloads software, and the software developer/vendor. A EULA usually defines:

  • Rights and restrictions that apply to the software
  • Rights that the buyer may have or may not have
  • Copyright property, license information, warranty and liability details

 This agreement is typically presented to users during the installation/setup stage and comes into effect only if the user agrees. Also, the installation process completes thereafter only upon acceptance.

EULA is quite important for software, SaaS, and apps developers. Other popular names for this document are Software License Agreement and Licensed Application End-User Agreement. Most of the policy generator programs listed in this article help you to smoothly create an End-User License Agreement.

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