We need to setup debug, testing or release environments or variants while creating an Android app. In a web application, we mostly have the option to define environment configuration variables. In Android, you can also setup debug, release or other build types and their parameters. The app will have the appropriate set of parameters depending upon the build variant.

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Access or connect android app to localhost over Wi-Fi and it will give you a lot flexibility to develop, run and test the app. My scenario was that I had created an android app which had need to access my local web server (XAMPP) for faster testing and the application was running on an emulator as well as device.

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Bootstarp 4 has introduced classes to align div or list to horizontal, vertical center to it’s parent. Do you have a list inside a div and you wish to vertically align center to list items inside the parent div? And want to maintain vertical centered position as well as horizontal centering in Bootstrap when viewport size changes? I described here how Bootstrap and Non BS users can accomplish this alignment.

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