Few days before, I developed a custom widget as per requirement and in that I was using textbox and textarea for inputting data. I was using HTML tags and Shortcodes in custom widget but Problem was that short-codes rendering out as text.
Tag » Widgets
Posts Viewed Recently
You can use Posts Viewed Recently Plugin to show the posts that are recently viewed by a visitor. This plugin supports custom post types and also provides shortcode to use the widget on any post or page.
You can know more and download this plugin via clicking the Continue Reading link given below:
using PHP code into WordPress widget
Sometime we need to insert PHP code into Wordpress text widget but by default, Wordpress ignore PHP code into widget. People use plugin for getting this but we can achieve it by using below given code into theme’s function.php.
Author Recent Posts
Author Recent Posts Plugin shows the posts published by an author on a single post that also has written by the same author. This plugin is available with easy configurable options.
You can know more and download this plugin via clicking the Continue Reading link given below:
Most commented posts
In wordpress blog, wordpress provide the option to comment on the post and that would be posted on the blog after admin approval. Many of us will be using any number of plugins or the database query thatโs been doing the rounds recently to display your most commented posts. But we can achieve it simply by using Wordpress’s query_posts or WP_query().