Screen Options Not Working / Saving in WordPress Dashboard is a very irritating problem. Once you update / save any screen option and it doesn’t work at all. Or does only once and fails on next page reload.
Tag » Plugins
6 Steps: Create Custom Post Types in WordPress – I
Custom Post Types in WordPress is the feature which makes WordPress so popular content management platform. By default Post, Page and 5 others are post types available in WordPress. A few example of Custom Post Types are Portfolio, Project, Contact Form 7 or Product in WooCommerce etc.
Handy Function to check if jQuery Datatable exists
jQuery Datatable is a powerful jQuery plug-in used to display the data in listing at front-end. These datatables handle our data to show in a user friendly manner and provide lot of features to use like sorting, searching, paging, and export to different types of file and print. jQuery datatable provides all these features in very user-friendly and easier to use manner. But while using such DataTable, first we need to check if that jQuery DataTable instance exists or not.
Remove or disable plugin shortcode button from visual editor
While working on a client project I needed to disable plugin shortcode button from visual editor in WordPress that were added automatically after some plugin installation. I was trying to hide WP Socializer plugin shortcode button form visual editor. Here I’m explaining how did I do that. The solution is quite simple.
Restore an older version of a theme or plugin
We usually update themes and plugins installed whenever respective authors release a new version of that program installed in our WordPress software. But at a time I had need to restore an older version of a theme as I was using child theme and the parent theme author made numerous changes in theme files as well as added some new class references which were making child theme incompatible.
dynamically adding options to select tag in Contact Form7
Contact Form7 is a well known wordpress plugin which is used mostly to develop a contact/query form. We can use all type of fields in contact form and need to assign values static. But there is no option of dynamically adding the values to fields in contact Form7 plugin. Here I am describing the way of dynamically adding options to select tag in Contact Form7.
Adding Google eCommerce Tracking Code for Events Manager Plugin
Events manager plugin is very good plugin for events management in WordPress powered websites. I wanted to track event booking after successful payment. I used events manager pro plugin for payment. I googled out to add Google eCommerce Tracking Code for Events Manager Plugin but did not find any solution. After all of these, I reviewed plugin code made some tweaks to resolve this. The Patch is stated here to benefit all of you as follows:
Deactivate plugins when not able to access dashboard
Sometimes any change made in WordPress site mess it’s working and we need to deactivate plugins or set default theme with alternate methods because we feel ourselves not able to access dashboard to undo changes.
Most of the times we see blank pages whenever we try to open wp admin dashboard that can happen due to any poor plugin or broken theme.
jQuery Expand Collapse with Plus Minus
Here is a simple jQuery Expand Collapse plug-in available to download. We have used plus/minus sign to expand/collapse content in this example and you can change them easily.
Moreover You can use nesting at any level. Clicking on anchor text to the left will take you to linked page/section. The final output will look like shown in image:
Simple tabs using jQuery
Simple tabs are actually a single content area with multiple panels, each associated with a header in a list. In this article we are going to create tabbed content with very simple tabs using jQuery. The last output of our tutorial will be like shown.