In this PHP tutorial, I’m providing 5 functions to get array values by keys. We have an associative array and an indexed array of few keys. Further, we want to get an array that has matched keys from the indexed array and corresponding values from the associative array. Conversely, we might wish to return an array with […]

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While working with MySQL database there might be situation when you wish to update certain column only if the value being updated is greater than existing value or current value stored in that column. MySQL GREATEST and LEAST functions are quite handy in such situations. Let’s see how can we use first function to update a column if value is greater than current value.

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In PHP we either create objects and their array, or database returns array of objects as result-set of some query. There we might need to find an object which have a particular property-value pair. There is no direct function available in PHP to perform the same so I’m explaining here how can we find object by value in array of objects by using a foreach loop.

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In every programming or script language, loops structure has its own importance. Generally Wordpress follows PHP. But wordpress also has some specific ways to achieve loops functionality.

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The idea behind writing a post to return data from loop in function in PHP just came into my mind because a fresher was trying to set up a function to return data from loop and hoping it would then run a return each time within the loop and the function would echo each out one by one.

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