I was building a page in a website. In that page I was loading a page inside an iframe. The page inside iframe had an anchor (http:/fellowtuts.com/test.html#specific_content) as well. When I used to click on the anchors within the iframe to reach the specific content section, it was working in firefox browser smoothly but working with a undesired behaviour in chrome and internet explorer browsers. In chrome, it was scrolling the parent window to top along with Iframe’s content.
Tag » iframe
resize iframe height according to content
To resize iframe height according to content, we can use javascript or jQuery. We just need to apply code on the iframe load event, so that content is loaded and height can be get at that time
Resizing colorbox iframe using jquery
Once I was in problem of resizing colorbox iframe.
The scenario was that I have opened the colorbox iframe for opening a page and that iframe size was according to that opened page content.