When We build a web application, we do not want the users to use the right button of the mouse.Today, many of the code examples used to disable the right-click no longer work in most browsers and browsers such as Opera do not allow the right-mouse button to be disabled. Anyway we can disable right click using jQuery or JavaScript.

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Still wonder how to automatic update copyright year instead of changing hard-coded value each year. Lol!! You need some fresh air to let your mind breathe. Use PHP’s date() function which can echo the current year in your copyright text.

Copyright ©< ?php echo date('Y'); ?> | Your Company Name

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By default an opened modal popup window gets close whenever an user presses ESC key on keyboard. In some cases we need to prevent popup window from getting close by escape key as a part of our requirements. Here I have written two methods to disable the function of ESC key using JavaScript and jQuery each.

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There may be a situation when you need to display content based on existence of a page or custom post by url. As the example below there are two different parent pages for the same page slug. We assume that certain pages will have the same title, and just have different parent pages. So we want to check if a page exists by url?

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We need to implement the css things based on the condition that the parent tag has a child or not. For the same,I faced an issue of implement styles on parent tag if it has children.

I found many tutorials for solving this problem using jQuery or javascript. But I was looking the solution using css.

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I was building a page in a website. In that page I was loading a page inside an iframe. The page inside iframe had an anchor (http:/fellowtuts.com/test.html#specific_content) as well. When I used to click on the anchors within the iframe to reach the specific content section, it was working in firefox browser smoothly but working with a undesired behaviour in chrome and internet explorer browsers. In chrome, it was scrolling the parent window to top along with Iframe’s content.

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Sometimes our website has a fixed header or navigation menu that usually remains fixed at the top of the page. When you use the URL anchor (the #fragment part), the browser window will scroll itself (instantly) to bring anchor at the top of the page, leaving the content behind the fixed header. So here we need for offsetting anchor hash tag links to adjust for fixed header to let content appear below the fixed item.

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In javascript, the screen.width and screen.height properties contain the size of a visitor’s monitor is set to. Bear in mind that the size of the monitor is set to, is not the same as the size of the browser window a visitor is using as windows can of course be set to different sizes. To get screen resolution with javascript we need to get the height and width of the viewport which depends on browser.

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