User Registration, login, profile, and membership plugins allow visitors to easily register and edit profiles on WordPress websites. Also, as the owner, you want scalable user registration as well as enrich profiles for the growth of your business.
Tag » Analytics
Adding Google eCommerce Tracking Code for Events Manager Plugin
Events manager plugin is very good plugin for events management in WordPress powered websites. I wanted to track event booking after successful payment. I used events manager pro plugin for payment. I googled out to add Google eCommerce Tracking Code for Events Manager Plugin but did not find any solution. After all of these, I reviewed plugin code made some tweaks to resolve this. The Patch is stated here to benefit all of you as follows:
ga or _gaq in google analytics
ga and _gaq both are global object used for tracking in google analytics.
The _gaq global object can be used directly for asynchronous page tracking via the push(…) method.