Sometimes we need to get values through the query string in the URL on the browser address bar. But the question is how to get these query string values in JavaScript or jquery because we need them on the client-side.
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How to Use Individual JavaScript Plugin in Bootstrap
You can use individual JavaScript plugin in Bootstrap framework also, rather using whole Bootstrap JS file built on jQuery. Once I had need to include only Navbar component which depends on Collapse JavaScript plugin from Bootstrap.
Client Side Validation using ASP.NET Validator Controls from Javascript
We use the server side control in ASP.NET and for validating them, we use the server validation control. These ASP.NET validation controls provide functionality to perform validation using client script but these are handled at the end of the page by rendered validation script. When we want to post the data by AJAX or JavaScript that time Validation control won’t fire the validation.
difference between “==” and “===” in JavaScript
This is very common question asked in JavaScript related interviews because generally everyone is used to of “==” but we should know the difference between “==” and “===” in JavaScript.
How to set scroll position to bottom in a div using javascript
Generally we create a div with the content and dynamically update the content. Further, we want to maintain the scroll position according to updated content. So there is one question of how to set scroll position to bottom in a div using JavaScript. Same type of problem I faced few days ago when I was working with a ajax message application and I am trying to get a div to scroll to the bottom when chat is updated.
Get query string parameters values from URL in JavaScript
Sometimes we need to retrieve URL parameters values from browser address bar in our client side script to process some functioning like click to a button or show/hide some elements. Here I have created a function in JavaScript to get query string parameters from URL and displayed uses example.
Check undefined, null, empty or blank variable in JavaScript
There are already many answers exist to check for undefined, null, empty or blank variable in JavaScript and jQuery still sometimes they mislead if not understood well. So this article is a straightforward manner to determine if a variable is undefined or has null/empty value or whatsoever.
5 ways to disable right click using jQuery or JavaScript
When We build a web application, we do not want the users to use the right button of the mouse.Today, many of the code examples used to disable the right-click no longer work in most browsers and browsers such as Opera do not allow the right-mouse button to be disabled. Anyway we can disable right click using jQuery or JavaScript.
Detecting mobile devices using jquery or javascript
Now a days, mobile is a common device in everyone’s hand. Internet is also used very much using these devices. So for web world, It is a challenge to be compatible their websites with these devices. For that, every application should be detect mobile device. Every language has its own method to detect the mobile device but we are explaining here the way of detecting mobile devices using jQuery or JAVASCRIPT.
getting timestamp in JavaScript
I am describing here getting timestamp in JavaScript. In development,so many times we do the date and time manipulation and If we need to do it client side means we need to use JavaScript.