This article will provide you htaccess rules to redirect a www website to non www. I prefer to make rule regardless of using name of specific domain so no-where in this article I have used domain name. The general sort of solution to make www to non www apache htaccess redirect

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

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I had a Google Adwords Conversion tracking code that I needed to implement basically on an onclick event. The form I am tracking, submits information using AJAX and then renders a ‘Thank you’ message to the page by replacing the form’s div with the ‘Thank you’ HTML.

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Thanks to all visitors for their love to the article As we got many requests to implement Google reCaptcha in WordPress AJAX Register, I’m here with the wonderful code which will protect spams through Google reCaptcha during registration in your WordPress powered site.

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In website, speed up page rendering is very important factor. Because if our page speed is fast then visitors can visit more pages on our site and can take a glance easily. We have to make our web pages fast but it’s not too easy to optimize web pages at each and every scale.

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Events manager plugin is very good plugin for events management in WordPress powered websites. I wanted to track event booking after successful payment. I used events manager pro plugin for payment. I googled out to add Google eCommerce Tracking Code for Events Manager Plugin but did not find any solution. After all of these, I reviewed plugin code made some tweaks to resolve this. The Patch is stated here to benefit all of you as follows:

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In google map, we point the specific location based on it’s longitude and latitude and create a marker on that point. But If we want to show some information about that point, then we need to attach an info window with that marker which can be associated with marker’s hover or click event.

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