Either newbie or experienced developer, everyone occasionally stuck with a situation that it’s  event binding runs in a loop or multiple times and it runs unexpected and we are unable to find the bug because we bind the event only one time but in practical it binds so multiple times.

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event.preventDefault() vs. return false is a very important but confusing topic that which one should be used and for what. When we want to prevent other event handlers from executing after a certain event is fired, we can use one of these two techniques

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AJAX is common now a days. People try to implement AJAX but fail to return the response from AJAX call successfully because they misunderstood the concept behind AJAX and the right way to do that.

Here I have tried to explain the flow and restructure the code for AJAX to let your application work. First I have explained the problem then the meaning of AJAX and flow as well followed by the solution.

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I had popup working and I wanted to open popup from another popup where a link was placed inside first popup using jQuery. This kind of scenario is quite common.

Most probable example we see are login and register popup boxes where one can toggle to login/register popup box through a link given in currently opened popup.

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Array is most important keyword used in programming languages. Like other languages, Array is also used in javascript. Array in JavaScript is used to store multiple values in a single variable. Arrays in javascript is as special type of object

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I was developing a website. In that, I wanted to use multiple instances of flexslider on a single page. There was not the problem if ID of the container tags is different. But on my website, everything was dynamic, even how many flexslider instances were be called, that was also unknown

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