There is no rank function in MySQL actually, whenever you need to query rank from table based on some functionality/criteria in MYSQL. But there are simple queries that can be used to perform the same.
Here I’m describing queries to perform rank with examples:
First of all we are creating players
table where we want to get the rank. You will be familiar with many queries depending on various requirements.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | CREATE TABLE `players` ( `pid` int(2) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `age` int(2) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`pid`), UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO `players` (`pid`, `name`, `age`) VALUES (1, 'Samual', 25), (2, 'Vino', 20), (3, 'John', 20), (4, 'Andy', 22), (5, 'Brian', 21), (6, 'Dew', 24), (7, 'Kris', 25), (8, 'William', 26), (9, 'George', 23), (10, 'Peter', 19), (11, 'Tom', 20), (12, 'Andre', 20); |
Query to obtain rank function in MySQL
Here we wish to obtain a rank column with ascending order of player’s age. So our query will be:
1 2 3 4 5 | SELECT pid, name, age, @curRank := @curRank + 1 AS rank FROM players p, ( SELECT @curRank := 0 ) q ORDER BY age |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | | PID | NAME | AGE | RANK | |-----|---------|-----|------| | 10 | Peter | 19 | 1 | | 12 | Andre | 20 | 2 | | 2 | Vino | 20 | 3 | | 3 | John | 20 | 4 | | 11 | Tom | 20 | 5 | | 5 | Brian | 21 | 6 | | 4 | Andy | 22 | 7 | | 9 | George | 23 | 8 | | 6 | Dew | 24 | 9 | | 7 | Kris | 25 | 10 | | 1 | Samual | 25 | 11 | | 8 | William | 26 | 12 | |
To declare a variable in mysql you have to use ‘@’ sign before variable name. The (@curRank := 0)
part in FROM clause allows us the variable initialization without requiring a separate SET command. You can use SET
as well but it will process two queries:
1 2 3 4 | SET @curRank := 0; SELECT pid, name, age, @curRank := @curRank + 1 AS rank FROM players ORDER BY age |
Query to calculate rank in descending order
More ever to obtain rank in descending order of age then name, modify the query at ORDER BY
clause with DESC
and column name:
1 2 3 4 5 | SELECT pid, name, age, @curRank := @curRank + 1 AS rank FROM players p, ( SELECT @curRank := 0 ) q ORDER BY age DESC, name |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | | PID | NAME | AGE | RANK | |-----|---------|-----|------| | 8 | William | 26 | 1 | | 7 | Kris | 25 | 2 | | 1 | Samual | 25 | 3 | | 6 | Dew | 24 | 4 | | 9 | George | 23 | 5 | | 4 | Andy | 22 | 6 | | 5 | Brian | 21 | 7 | | 12 | Andre | 20 | 8 | | 3 | John | 20 | 9 | | 11 | Tom | 20 | 10 | | 2 | Vino | 20 | 11 | | 10 | Peter | 19 | 12 | |
Rank in MySQL when rows ties
Now what if we wish to assign same rank to rows with ties means rows with same values for the rank comparison column (age
in our case) should hold the same rank while calculating rank in MySQL. For this purpose we have used an extra variable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | SELECT pid, name, age, CASE WHEN @prevRank = age THEN @curRank WHEN @prevRank := age THEN @curRank := @curRank + 1 END AS rank FROM players p, (SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL) r ORDER BY age |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | | PID | NAME | AGE | RANK | |-----|---------|-----|------| | 10 | Peter | 19 | 1 | | 12 | Andre | 20 | 2 | | 2 | Vino | 20 | 2 | | 3 | John | 20 | 2 | | 11 | Tom | 20 | 2 | | 5 | Brian | 21 | 3 | | 4 | Andy | 22 | 4 | | 9 | George | 23 | 5 | | 6 | Dew | 24 | 6 | | 7 | Kris | 25 | 7 | | 1 | Samual | 25 | 7 | | 8 | William | 26 | 8 | |
As shown when two or more rows for a rank in the same partition, each tied rows receives the same rank. Players Andre, Vino, John and Tom have the same age so they are are ranked number 2. The player with next highest age (Brian) is ranked number 3. This query is equivalent to DENSE_RANK() function in MSSQL and ORACLE.
RANK() equivalent in MySQL
while using the RANK() function, if two or more rows tie for a rank, each tied rows receives the same rank, however with gaps in the ranking where there are ties.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | SELECT pid, name, age, rank FROM (SELECT pid, name, age, @curRank := IF(@prevRank = age, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank, @incRank := @incRank + 1, @prevRank := age FROM players p, ( SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1 ) r ORDER BY age) s |
Here is a subquery in query. We are using three variables to calculate the rank in case of ties and to omit additional columns in query result (@incRank
, @prevRank
, @curRank
) we have enclosed subquery into query. It’s the RANK() function available in MSSQL and ORACLE.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | | PID | NAME | AGE | RANK | |-----|---------|-----|------| | 10 | Peter | 19 | 1 | | 12 | Andre | 20 | 2 | | 2 | Vino | 20 | 2 | | 3 | John | 20 | 2 | | 11 | Tom | 20 | 2 | | 5 | Brian | 21 | 6 | | 4 | Andy | 22 | 7 | | 9 | George | 23 | 8 | | 6 | Dew | 24 | 9 | | 7 | Kris | 25 | 10 | | 1 | Samual | 25 | 10 | | 8 | William | 26 | 12 | |
Here we can see that players Andre, Vino, John and Tom have the same age so they are are ranked number 2. The player with next highest age (Brian) is ranked number 6 instead of 3, because there are four rows that are ranked at position 2.
Well I hope after seeing these examples, you will understanding the difference between the RANK() and DENSE_RANK() as well as will know where to use which query to obtain rank function in MySQL.
Is it possible to show an example of dense rank by category? I’m basically trying to categorize by patient ID and dense rank dates (same dates have the same ranking). I’m stuck with MySQL 5.7. I was able to use your tutorial for dense rank, but can’t figure out by category.
Patient ID, Date, Dense Rank
The goal is to filter on dense rank value 1
SELECT id, name, score, rank FROM
(SELECT id, name,score,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = score, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := score
FROM quiz_users p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r
ORDER BY score DESC) s;
how to group by this query by mobile number and sort ranking by addition of score
Thank you Amit for your code, but it does not work for me. Below is what I modified yours to: but it returned nothing on previewing in browser, despite that there are sample data added to the db already.
The error is “No score added yet into JS 1 SARDIUS for 1st Term 2021/2022 Academic Session!”
$result_class=$conn->query(“SELECT regno, totalscore, subject, ca1, ca2, exam, grade, remarks, name, rank FROM
(SELECT regno, totalscore, subject, ca1, ca2, exam, grade, remarks, name,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = totalscore, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := totalscore
FROM student_marks p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r WHERE (class=’$class’ OR class=’$class2′) AND term=’$term’ AND year=’$year’ AND cmt!=0 ORDER BY totalscore DESC s “);
Thank you!
This tutorial helped me too much to implement the rank() function in an old mariadb version.
Thank you Amit Sonkhiya for sharing your knowledge, it’s a pleasure for me to learn something new.
You helped me to assign increasing rank to rows with ties :
id | rne | rank
13651 | 0861145C | 1
427 | 0861219H | 1
10733 | 0861223M | 1
10325 | 0861228T | 1
1256 | 0861231W | 1
1424 | 0861231W | 2
884 | 0861235A | 1
6584 | 0861252U | 1
540 | 0861253V | 1
568 | 0861253V | 2
1324 | 0861253V | 3
1337 | 0861253V | 4
1451 | 0861253V | 5
1512 | 0861253V | 6
13161 | 0861291L | 1
633 | 0861318R | 1
with a few changes
SELECT id, rne, rank FROM
(SELECT id, rne,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = rne, @curRank+1, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := 1,
@prevRank := rne
FROM liste_rne p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r
ORDER BY rne,id) s
You’re welcome @disqus_NdZgZ0oWpm:disqus
SELECT pid, name, age, rank FROM
(SELECT pid, name, age,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = age, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := age
FROM players p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r
ORDER BY age) s
running this exact code gives me [BLOB – 1 B] in my rank column, please treat as urgent
i get errors everywhere from the second (select etc..
1)An expression was expected. (near “(” at position 73)
2) Unexpected token. (near “(” at position 73)
but the second e.g. where it does 2 calculations worked fine.
thanks alot….. please is it possible to get the ranking of one player
SELECT pid, name, age, rank FROM
(SELECT pid, name, age,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = age, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := age
FROM players p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r
Amit Sonkhiya………..thanks it works like magic. more power to you
sir i am having this dificulty in ranking the student…i am suppose to rank the student in a particular session or year
but this script is ranking the student from all the class and session or years at the same time
SELECT student_ID, total_s, rank FROM
(SELECT student_ID, total_s,session,term,class,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = total_s, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := total_s
FROM tb_grade p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r ORDER BY total_s DESC) s WHERE session=’2016/2017′ and term=’third term’ and class=’jss1 a’
Your WHERE condition is placed wrong. Try to put it in internal SELECT statement.
sir please where exactly
SELECT student_ID, total_s, rank FROM
(SELECT student_ID, total_s,session,term,class,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = total_s, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := total_s
FROM tb_grade p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r WHERE session=’2016/2017′ and term=’third term’ and class=’jss1 a’ ORDER BY total_s DESC) s
This is really helpful. However, when I do it I do get a rank, but it’s not correct. @jaymitghadiya:disqus Would it be possible to email you and show you what I have? I’ve tried for an hour and still no luck!
Hello @disqus_tmAcURjdaR:disqus
Are you surely referring to Jaymit Ghadiya? If you wish to take our support, please email us along with sample database script and expected output.
hello, Thank for above queries, its really helpful,
In my case, if we have rank depends on two column, lets say score and time,
and i want rank on highest score and lowest time, and if user have same score and same time then rank should be same, for example rank can be 1,1,2,3,3,4….
Hi jaymit
You need to use subqueries. Mail us your sample database script and expected output at so that we can assist you further
Although this post is about 2 years plus old, this is the best of all I have come across on the web, even as new as I am to mysql, I can grasp something. Infact you are the best tutor.
However, can you please help me with a clear example as to how to query students transcript table, rank them on individual subjects, add overall rank and finally join on another table to select the student’s residence?
Please, I need this help, and would be very glad for your help.
Thanks in advance!
Hello Nana,
Thanks for the appreciation. I hope you have already got an idea to rank student on individual subject (Your first question). For the rest I would suggest you to run 1-2 more queries separately and make intermediate calculation (overall rank) to get final result in your script (like php).
Still if you need more help then mail us your table SQL (structure + data) and desired result which you wish to obtain at
Hi Amit,
Thanks once again for your quick response.
Actually what I want to achieve is to have an order of merit for students.
And more so, please what do you mean by ‘intermediate calculation’, I mean can you be a bit specific, as i’m new.
On the other hand, what about performance, if I choose to go by the separate queries as suggested?
Hi Nana,
Intermediate calculation means like making sum to get overall rank or any calculation to pass in another query.
Performance: A few extra microseconds won’t affect your site performance if you haven’t too much traffic at present. Passing next query or making query inside query has almost same performance impact in your case.
Please, something like this is what I’m trying to achieve, but unfortunately, is not working:
“SELECT t.*,
COUNT(DISTINCT t.subjects) AS subjectenrollment,
@curRank := IF( @prevRank = finalscore, @curRank, @incRank ) AS position,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank = finalscore
FROM studentsreports r, (SELECT @curRank := 0, @prevRank = NULL, @incRank := 1) c
ORDER BY finalscore ASC
) t
LEFT JOIN studentstbl u ON t.studref = u.urefnumber
WHERE = :staff
AND t.studentname = :student
AND t.academicyr = :year
AND t.academicterm = :term
AND t.program = :program
AND t.classes = :level
AND t.subjects = :subject”;
Please, help me deal with this challeng!
Thanks once again!
Hi Nana
Please check mail from in your inbox regarding solution.
Hi ,
I have one query please help me to resolve it. We have to
reset the rank value for every set of Ticket number. We have first 4 columns(Ticket
No, Date, losscode1, losscode2) in my database I need to
generate next to 2 columns(Rank_losscode1, Rank_losscode2).
in Advance.
Please try without “set” keyword
set @pk1 =”;
set @rn1 =1;
set @sal =”;
Hi Kranthi,
I have dropped you an email regarding this from Please check back & let me know.
Thanks Sonkhiya …. :). I will check and let you know.
Special Thanks for quick response …….. 🙂
Hi Krathi Kumar. I have same problem with you. May you please teach me how you sold that? Thank you.
I sent you reply behalf of your response
looking forward
Hi Amit Sonkhiya i have same problem with this.
Can you please help me.
This is my email.
Thank you.
Hello @Genesis
Please email us your exact requirement along with queries to create table and sample data SQL scripts
Here Sir. Event Rank is base on the Number of Events. And the Cost Rank is base o the Cost. How can i get the rank of these? Thank you sir in advance.
How can i get the rank like that in php mysql? Thank you Sir.
Hello @genesis_bertiz:disqus
For Event, add a WHERE condition after ORDER BY clause, something like order by no_of_events where food_menu = ‘soup 2’
Same is as a separate query for cost, if you want to get all in one query, you would need to iterate among each set of matching row using GROUP BY clause and calculate rank for both columns with separate subqueries
@amitsonkhiya:disqus Thank you sir!
very useful, thanks
Hi, Your tutorial was useful, how to get the o/p in
pid name age rank
10 A 19 1
11 B 19 2
12 C 19 3
13 D 20 1
14 E 20 2
15 F 20 3
16 G 20 4
17 H 28 1
thanks for thetutorials…
i have a little problem,, how to show result on html? i already try to call query and write to my html table but nothing happen.
please help.
thank you
First check if you are getting result from DB by:
Running select query in phpMyAdmin directly if it produces result.
If you are using php then you can check using var_dump($your_var) where $your_var is variable that is holding result from DB.
Still if you persist issue then you can send us your query and table structure & data from DB at
How would you “partition by” in mySQL? For example, lets say your data set had another column for City, and you wanted to rank people within their City, so that each City has a 1 till X?
I didn’t test exactly as you required still I hope the code below would help you. Don’t forget to add city column in our example above.
SELECT pid, name, city, age, rank FROM
(SELECT pid, name, city, age,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = age, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := age
FROM players p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r
ORDER BY city) s
help Sonkhiya, please help me out, i have been reading a couple of post but cant find any help, i want your query above to get the rank of a single user, i am new in MYSQL please, can you post a query to help me do that following your above tutorial.
thank you
SELECT pid, name, age, rank FROM
(SELECT pid, name, age,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = age, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := age
FROM players p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r
ORDER BY age) s WHERE = 2
//RANK() equivalent in MySQL. The last 2 is id of particular user
Thank you so much for your reply it worked perfectly, but i want the WHERE parameters to be more than one, so i added a new column to the table called TEAM, and i want the query to fetch the ranking in this manner.
SELECT pid, name, age, team, rank FROM
(SELECT pid, name, age, team,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = age, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := age
FROM players p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r
ORDER BY age DESC) s WHERE team=’aa’
It Gave Me the Result Below
Samual | 25 | 2
Tom | 20 | 8
Andre | 20 | 8
Peter | 19 | 12
But i want the results to be returned in this manner
Samual | 25 | 1
Tom | 20 | 2
Andre | 20 | 2
Peter | 19 | 4
so therefor, making the query to give me the rank within a particular group.
thank you so much, your truly making a positive impact on me.
SELECT pid, name, age, team,rank from (
SELECT pid, name, age, team,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = age, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := age FROM
(SELECT pid, name, age, team
FROM players p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r
) s WHERE team =’a’ ORDER BY age DESC) t
Use the query above and let me know also if you found our assistance quite helpful then you can consider for a cup of coffee for us as well 🙂
please i have been following your tutorials, but i want to get the rank of a particular user, using RANK() equivalent in MySQL
Did you try to add WHERE clause in out most SELECT?
WHERE userid = 1 ORDER BY age) s
yes but it is returning the rank as 1, its a if it is treating it as a single request, i want the query to return the rank of that particular user accordingling, lets say it should return the rank of George with age 23 as 8. just in that order.
thank you
I have edited my previous reply and corrected the query. Please run the newer and let me know.
I am inclined to avoid these approaches using user variables for the reasons mentioned here:
First of all thanx for sharing very nice tutorial and great information…
i just wanted to ask is it possible to use where condition in the query above…
and if we are using where condition will the query display correct rank, that is should actually display…
Hi, Ashish
You can definitely use where clause in query. However the result is always depend on what and how did you write the query.
You should use this table as sample and test the result first or you can use some dummy data using dummy data generator tools available online.
SELECT student_ID, total_s, rank FROM
(SELECT student_ID, total_s,session,term,class,
@curRank := IF(@prevRank = total_s, @curRank, @incRank) AS rank,
@incRank := @incRank + 1,
@prevRank := total_s
FROM tb_grade p, (
SELECT @curRank :=0, @prevRank := NULL, @incRank := 1
) r WHERE session=’2016/2017′ and term=’third term’ and class=’jss1 a’ ORDER BY total_s DESC) s