While working with fancybox, you might have noticed that any button or link or input inside fancybox popup just behaves like previous/next item slider, making that coming item to appear in popup rather of doing it’s assigned code on click. All the reason is the width specified for `fancybox-nav` class with higher `z-index` for it.

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I was using Fancybox in one of my websites for showing images in popup. Everybody use Fancyboxto show data in popup with responsive way but here I had a different requirement of showing full sized image with Fancybox.

So same I am sharing here the solution of showing full sized image with Fancybox

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I am having a strange issue, I have code that pulls content of wordpress posts that was using some plugin to bind fancybox to certain elements on the page. But now I want to implement that fancybox binding from some elements on that page.

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Opening inline HTML in a fancybox popup is easily achievable but once I faced the problem of opening a html page within the fancybox popup.

After googling, I found the solution that ‘type’ property of fancybox we need to include on calling of it.

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Opening fancybox on page load is very simple. just call below given code in document ready eg.

$(document).ready(function () {
            'width': '80%',
            'height': '80%',
            'autoScale': true,
            'transitionIn': 'fade',
            'transitionOut': 'fade',
            'type': 'iframe',
            'href': 'http://www.example.com'

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Sometimes we need to resize colorbox after clicking on sumbit button and we want to show some error or success messages on the same popup window by using javascript or ajax

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Colorbox is a jQuery plugin, Nowadays jquery colorbox plugin is mostly used for displaying content in popup window. But there are still somethings where we stuck. Closing colorbox is one of them.

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jQuery DataTable is very user-friendly & provides a lot features and is easier to use. But when we use jQuery DataTable, we face a unique type of alert message (Cannot reinitialize JQuery DataTable). These DataTables show the data in listing at front-end and in an good user friendly manner. It also provides features to use like sorting, searching, paging, and export to different types of file and print.

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